"I want to buy your husband"

"I want to buy your husband"

The comedy play "I want to buy your husband" was created based on the play by Mikhail Zadornov "The Last Attempt".


The production is very popular and goes on in different theaters of the country. Two film versions of the play were filmed, in one of which the author himself played. The plot of the play is truly anecdotal. A young girl comes to the family house and tells the hostess that she would like to... buy her husband. Yes, everything happens in life! What should the deceived spouse do in this situation? No, a smart mature woman will not make a scandal. She will find another, more subtle and effective way out of the situation. After all, she knows everything about a man with whom she has lived together for twenty years ... An original and eccentric comedy will not only give the audience a lot of pleasure, but also make you think about the importance of love and family. The main character of the play, caught between two fires, suddenly realizes that "twenty years together is more than love." But didn't he realize it too late?
Starring: People's Artist of the Russian Federation V. Smirnitsky, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Elena Safonova and Maria Klimova.
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