"On the shelf with the accordion"
Chamber programs

"On the shelf with the accordion"

Evening of vocal music


The people have a lot of wonderful singing songs, funny games, old
customs and traditions. And what kind of people you live in –
you keep such customs. Perhaps the most interesting of them is the get–togethers! People were going
to the filling station in order to show themselves, look at others, throw
a joke, compete in fun and amusements, and, of course, sing songs.
And although the past goes further and further and much is forgotten, to
this day samples of folk song art live in our memory, and
now they have not lost their pristine charm.
We invite you to take an amazing journey into the world
folklore, by visiting the concert program "On Zavalinka with bayan",
which will be held as part of the celebration of the Year of Cultural Heritage
of the Peoples of Russia.
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