Svetlana Berejnaya

Svetlana Berejnaya
Titular Organist of the Philharmonic

Svetlana Berezhnaya is one of the best pianists and organists in the music world, a high class musician with a wide experience, widely known in Russia, Europe and the USA as a gifted interpreter of classical music. She is a very bright musician, with her own conception about the capabilities of piano, organ and cembalo. Plenty of her improvisations and transcriptions are used by musicians all over the world as an example of bright and creative re-interpretation of music. Widely known are her transcriptions of Mussorgsky`s "Pictures at an exhibition", Vivaldi`s "Four seasons” and Franck`s Symphony in D-minor, in which the artist`s organ sounds as a whole symphonic orchestra. She has performed at prestigious concert halls and famous cathedrals throughout the world, such as Moscow Conservatory’s Big and Small Concert halls, Tchaikovsky concert hall in Moscow, Mariinsky Concert Hall and Shostakovich Philharmonic in Saint-Petersburg, Smetana Concert Hall in Prague, Moscow “Saint Mary” Cathedral, “Notre-Dame” Cathedral in Paris, Glinka Chapel concert hall in Saint-Petersburg, “Saint Michel” Cathedral in Brussels, “Saint Stephan” Cathedral in Wien, Graz Cathedral, “Saint Tomas” Church in New York, “San Fernando” Cathedral in San Antonio (USA), Evangelisch-Lutherse Kerk in Den Hague, “Breisgau Munster” in Freiburg among the others Svetlana Berezhnaya graduated at Gnessin Russian Academy of Music and at Kazan State Conservatory in piano studies, then undertook postgraduate organ and cembalo studies and had experience as an organist at “Brabant Konservatorium” in Holland. In 1992 Svetlana Berezhnaya was awarded with “Northern Palmira” International Festival Diploma and in 1996 won the First Prize at the International Organ Competition.

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In 2000 she was awarded with the title of “Honoured Artist of Russia”. The artist has recorded 18 CDs at Pyotr Kondrashin Classical Recording Studio: “Romantic organ” (1997), “Popular organ” (1999), “Romantics from the last century” (piano - 2002), “Organ – Music of relaxation” (2002), “Mysteries of the Russian soul” (organ- 2006), “Gates to the rainbow” (piano, organ and cembalo music for children - 2007), “Music of the light” (organ - 2007), "Bach-fest" (piano - 2014), "VIVAldi" (cembalo - 2014), "Clavir-Gala" (piano - 2015), "Duet- Dances in the clouds" (organ 2?CD-live – 2015/2016), "Mozartiana" (piano concert with orchestra - 2016), "Wien, classical of dreams" piano-2016), “Memory of Safonov” (piano concert with orchestra - 2018), In 2008, in Great Britain, was recorded by “Quartzmusic” Svetlana Berezhnaya`s eighth CD entitled “Serene”, which was distributed all over the world. In 2013 was recorded a disk of her concert in Paris “Notre-Dame” for the cathedral`s 850th anniversary, while in 2015 was released a disc featuring Berezhnaya together with the “Minstrels” music ensemble dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach`s 330th anniversary. The soloist's repertoire includes 27 concerts with an orchestra for pianoforte, organ, harpsichord from Bach and Mozart, to Rachmaninov and Garetsky etc. 32 Solo programs from the Renaissance to the Modern. Chamber music of Schubert, Brahms, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Schnittke etc. Svetlana Berezhnaya has created unique organ music programs, including a light-projection show. Images are projected onto the organ pipes and vary according to the music played, changing their form, colour, rhythm and tempo. The organist collaborates with the finest ensembles, conductors and soloists of Russia, Europe and the USA, such as Sergei Roldugin, Denis Matsuev, Maxim Fedotov, Andrei Diev, Alexander Trostyansky, Graf Mourzha, Polina Osetinskaya, Mikhail Petukhov, Mikhail Lidsky among the others. She regularly performs with famous orchestras and choirs including Saint-Petersburg Philharmonic Shostakovich, the State Academic Philharmonic Orchestra Safonov and the “Amadeus” chamber orchestra ), the State Hermitage Orchestra (Saint-Petersburg), Naberezhnye Chelny Chamber Orchestra, Krasnodar Chamber Orchestra, Saint-Petersburg State Academic Chapel, the Republic of Kalmykia`s State Chamber Choir and the “Partes” Russian Chamber Choir (Moscow). Svetlana Веrezhnaya has written two books: "Hourglass`s fairy-tales or I continue to play..." in 2010 and “How to surrender to our own happiness…” released in 2012. These books are illustrated with the author’s drawings. She writing and prepare for release next book “Love, the infliction of good by force...”( poems and psychology eases) At present, Svetlana Berezhnaya works as general director, pianist and organist at the North-Caucasus State Philharmonic V.I. Safonov. She has an active concert life, with concerts in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Holland, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, the USA, Canada and other countries. Magazines and newspapers about S. Berezhnaya "For a long time, Svetlana Berezhnaya concerts are musical discoveries for Russian and foreign audiences ... Hundreds of lovers of beauty who listened to the immortal classics applauded a woman who, in her sacred words, to the Great Creativity and achieved the deserved reputation of the Musician with a capital letter." "Music that goes to the heart" "Pyatigorskaya truth, No. 6 (5560) January 19, 1999 "Svetlana Berezhnaya opened the evening. Those who listened to it were able to appreciate the confident skill of the organist in conveying the gigantic amplitude of the images of the tragic breakdown and unearthly purity, the courageous passion and victorious power revealed in the sound of the organ with that powerful oratorical pathos, clarity and high simplicity that are subject to great organists. "MUSICAL SENSATIONS" The "Caucasian Health Resort" on July 6, 1999, No. 129 (19060)

"The name of the talented organist and pianist Svetlana Berezhnaya is well known to the musical community of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Her concert performances in foreign tours are highly appreciated by well-known critics ... she is one of the best organists in the world. " The New Times Magazine on May 26, 2008

"... Ancona, Pesaro, Senigallia applaud the Russian actress who conquered the Adriatic. She is the embodiment of charm and power. Her romantic look at traditional music, her sense of the form of the work and the special handling of the instrument's timbre are fascinating and delightful. Svetlana Berezhnaya for Italy - the musical opening of the year. " The newspaper "Corriere della Sera" on August 1, 2009

"Concert of Svetlana Berezhnaya in the Cathedral of Sts. Michael (Brussels) gathered a surprisingly large number of the public. It is worth noting that for the first time in recent times there were almost no empty seats ... Her program was different from the programs of other organists in this series (summer festival) with brightness and good taste. Interpretations of Svetlana Berezhnaya - a deep awareness of the style, she "paints" the true romantic canvases, plays Belgian and French music "with the heart" ... Svetlana is recognized as the best organist of the Belgian organ season of 2009 ". Le Suar, August 22, 2009

"Russian Svetlana Berezhnaya interpreted the works of IS. Bach and Modest Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition". It was not boring. Despite the heat, the Freiburg Cathedral was crowded, the audience sat even on the floor, the concert program gathered more than a thousand people ... A brilliant performance, Svetlana Berezhnaya showed everything that the cathedral bodies can. Unbelievably masterly and vividly embodied paintings Mussorgsky. According to the titular organist Klemmens Schnorr "these were the best" Pictures at an Exhibition "for his 40 years of service" ... Works by I.S. Bach were presented freshly and festively. A lively, energetic grasp was felt in Fantasy, Toccata, "Preludes and Fugue." The subtle taste of Svetlana Berezhnaya manifested itself in the organ lyrics of Bach, as a treasured meditation. The version of the chant "Jesus will remain my joy" was presented in a new way, however, it seemed that it was played by Bach himself! "... Johannes Adam "Badische Zeitung" on August 16, 2012

"Russian Marta Argerich appeared before the public Vigevano on March 2 in the Mozart concert in D minor. The subtlety of the pianistic carcass, the bright emotional colors, the brilliant, filigree technique of the pianist Svetlana Berezhnaya revealed the real, stylish Mozart. In improvisational cadences, the artist used the themes of the whole concert and Italian folk songs, played easily and naturally, in Mozart's style. The audience twice summoned the Russian beauty to an encore, the works of Handel and Tchaikovsky were materialized from the air by the heartfelt beauty of pianist Svetlana Berezhnaya ... An unexpected sunny gift sounded among the cold March of Pavia ... " Paolo Zaccara March 7, 2018 "Sera de la cultura"


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