The Russian Red Cross, the Ministry of Science
and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and volunteer psychologists will provide psychological assistance around the clock. To ensure uninterrupted psychological assistance
and reduce waiting times, more than 1,000 volunteers and psychologists have started working on the #MYPLACE hotline, followed by redirection to 2 hotlines: the Russian Red Cross and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
There will also be an opportunity to receive the help of psychologists in the format of text counseling via the chatbot @psy_myvmeste, in the messengers Telegram, Viber and in the social network VKontakte.
Psychological support for relatives of mobilized citizens will be organized in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
and military personnel with the involvement of specialized specialists in full-time format for residents in need. Professional volunteer psychologists will be joined by students who will undergo specialized training in the programs of psychosocial support of the Red Cross.
In the future, it is planned to organize a similar system of support for citizens in the legal field.
A separate area of work of the federal headquarters will be the protection of the rights of conscripts. The organization of this direction will be under the jurisdiction of the All-Russian Popular Front.
Since September 29, the work of people's support services has been launched: #MYPLACE headquarters in new areas of work, as well as the updated MYPLACE website.RF and hotline.
The headquarters of #MYPLACE will be opened at the base:
– 85 volunteer resource centers (Dobro.Centers);
– 84 clubs #MYPLACE;
– more than 250 universities;
– other infrastructure facilities (including on the basis of federal centers);
The priority areas of work of the headquarters of #MYPLACE will be assistance to:
– military personnel and mobilized citizens, as well as their families;
– citizens who are experiencing anxiety in connection with the conduct of their own.
It is important to note that the headquarters of #MYPLACE will perform the following functions:
– accept and process applications for targeted (household) assistance to families of military personnel and mobilized citizens;
– provide psychological and legal advice;
– ensure the collection of humanitarian aid;
– to help in solving issues of social adaptation
and obtaining state support;
– organize communication of families with military personnel (including delivery of letters from children and youth);
– to carry out measures to send mobilized citizens together with military-patriotic organizations.
It is also planned to involve representatives of commercial organizations in order to provide assistance. Currently, active work is underway on additional formats for supporting families, namely:
– conducting targeted congratulations during the New Year holidays;
– providing psychological assistance on the basis of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth;
– assistance to pets in the families of military personnel and mobilized citizens, etc.
As of September 27, 2022, the regional headquarters of #MYPLACE are already in pilot mode:
– organization of volunteer support of call centers on issues of partial mobilization and the work of military commissariats;
- collection of humanitarian aid for families of mobilized citizens;
– training of volunteer psychologists and providing psychological assistance.