Congratulations on the 80th anniversary are received by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Stefanovich Berezhnoy
On January 19, 2023, the 80th anniversary was celebrated by the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Stefanovich Berezhnoy, who is a very significant figure in the classical music world. On this occasion, on the stage of the A.N.Scriabin Hall last Saturday, the performance of the V.I.Safonov Academic Symphony Orchestra was preceded by a solemn and very warm celebration of the hero of the day. Vladimir Stefanovich was wished health and longevity, thanked for his loyalty to the profession and for his outstanding contribution to the National musical culture, recognized by the musicians of our country.For more than half a century, V.S.Berezhnoy served in the Federal Philharmonic Society at the CMS, heading it for 22 years. Possessing an outstanding talent as a leader, in the difficult 80s, in the difficult 90s, he not only preserved the creative team, its traditions and achievements, but also opened new directions in work, contributed to the creative development of the artistic life of the Southern region. Music festivals, creative contacts and touring exchanges with the collectives of the philharmonic societies of the North Caucasus have reached a new level.
Also, his personal author's project was carried out - the construction of the SAUER organ on the CavMinVodes, which opened the centuries-old European organ music to the public. Vladimir Stefanovich Berezhnoy was and remains a professional mentor of young musicians, his support is very important for them, as he is the most attentive and interested listener. The Philharmonic musicians are always looking forward to his presence at their concerts. In response, V.S.Berezhnoy thanked all those gathered for their attention and warm wishes.